ESEO Federal Credit Union
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Project Completed: 1994
Project Type: Commercial
Scope: 7,800 square feet
Photographer: Robert Shimer, Hedrich Blessing
Rand Elliott Architects was hired to design a ground-up building that was conceived as a “portrait” of the members (versus customers) of this growing financial institution. Its location was two miles north of the Oklahoma State Capitol.
Brainstorming sessions were conducted with staff and Board Members separately to define project scope, recognize business goals, and establish a member “portrait” to focus architectural intentions. Key words describing the business philosophy included family atmosphere, member- owned, frugal, trustworthy. Key words that describe member traits were: Average age 3540, family-oriented, middle income, working class, hourly wages, focus on life enjoyment.
Site Concept:
Develop a master plan that allows for a second structure and an expanded drivein. Create an orchard of 53 redbuds (Oklahoma’s state tree) to commemorate the age of the institution at the time of construction.
Functional Considerations:
Needs included loan service offices, a vault, a conference/board room, lobby tellers and drivein tellers who share duties and required support tasks. The public spaces would be visually open to assure security and a “nothing to hide” ambience.
Architectural Concept:
To create an architectural statement that is a “portrait” of an institution that combines its business philosophy with the personality of its members. Also to respond to central Oklahoma climate conditions: Cold north winds, hot summer sun (100+ degrees Fahrenheit), prevailing SW winds and the unforgiving western sun, with four distinct seasons.
The project earned Rand Eliott Architects two international design awards from BusinessWeek’s IDEA awards program and a national award from Interiors magazine — and two regional design excellence awards.
Central States Region
1995 Design Excellence Award
Central Oklahoma Chapter
1995 Honor Award
1995 Environments – Gold Award
1995 Best Product Design
1994 Big “I” Award
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